Kenmu Irai Tsuika (建武以来追加)

Kenmu Irai Tsuika refers to the supplementary law code established by Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun). Because of its name, one may consider it supplemental to the Kenmu Code (established in 1336), which is thought to be the fundamental law of the Muromachi bakufu. However, Muromachi bakufu considered the Kenmu Code was also supplemental to Goseibai Shikimoku, which was the fundamental law of the Kamakura bakufu. Kenmu Irai Tsuika was established supplemental to Goseibai Shikimoku and was added to Goseibai Shikimoku after the Kenmu Code.

It had been compiled several times, and various books have been found. Based on the various existing books, it has been confirmed that the law code had been revised and enlarged in Bunmei (1469 to 1486), Eisho and Taiei era (1504 to 1527). Moreover, it is presumed that the law code had been compiled during Oei (1394 to 1427), Bunan (1444 to 1448), and the Choroku (1457 to 1461) era. In the Taiei edition, which is regarded as the final edition, the statutes from 1338 to 1520 were recorded in chronological order. In the early days, many statutes regulated nationwide matters, such as temples, shrines, honjo (the administrative headquarters of a shoen), shugo (provincial constable), and jito (manager and lord of manor). However, economic statutes, such as Tokuseirei (ordering return of land sold and dissolution of debts), increased as deployment of Shugo-ryogoku system (the system whereby a Shugo dominates a manor), and as politics and corporate finances depended more on Kyoto and vicinity. In addition, the statutes written in both kanji and kana (the Japanese syllabary) increased.

[Original Japanese]